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3 Things to Consider on Your Hospital Facebook Page

So much time is spent on Facebook, and for good reason. I hate to recommend any platforms without seeing a strategy firs...

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Baldrige + Social Media = Credibility

It seems as if 2011 maybe the year social media is not a neat fad or hobby (or only for celebrities) but actually earns ...

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Stop Waiting for Me to Cancel

Just yesterday my wife and I decided to cancel our home phone. We just simply don’t need it. If you can not get a ...

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What Hospitals can learn from Gatorade

If you have not already be sure to check out this  about Gatorade and the announcement of their “Mission Cont...

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3 Compliments and 1 Criticism – How you can gain activity on Facebook

If you spend time looking around Facebook at hospital fan pages you will notice organizations are all over the map with ...

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Location, Location, Location… 3 Reason’s Hospitals Should Use Location Based Services

Now with the launch of Facebook Places those who visit hospitals have several ways to “check-in.” More and m...

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